
Casa Vacanze Natura

C.le Milicucco Scrofani 4/A, 97015 Modica (RG)

Tel +39 335 8048325

Booking information

One third in advance at the time of booking, the outstanding balance upon delivery of the keys. The booking is effective from the moment of the receipt of the advance on my bank account.
Please contact me for details.
To guarantee fulfillment the locator, the conductor must make a security deposit of a sum equal to £. 150 (onehundredandfifty pounds Sterling). Such security will be returned without interest at the end of the rental period upon determintation of lack of damages and/or unperformed repairs by the conductor.


Casa Vacanze Natura

C.le Milicucco Scrofani 4/A, 97015 Modica (RG)

+39 335 8048325

© casavacanzenatura 2023 | All rights reserved.